Thursday, February 14, 2008

What's Your Value Proposition?

Do you feel like you're struggling in your business? Are you having a hard time getting your foot in the door to see potential clients?

Do you feel like your marketing efforts are lackluster or ineffective?

If someone asks you who you work with, or who your idea target market is - do you have a strong and clearly defined answer - or do you spread yourself too thin?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, chances are the biggest problem is your value proposition. (Which is different from a USP or Elevator Speech.)

So what is a Value Proposition? My favorite definition comes from author Jill Konrath, author of "Selling to Big Companies." She says, "A value proposition is a clear statement of the tangible results a customer gets from using your products or services. It is focused on outcomes and stresses the business value of your offering."

But creating a strong value proposition isn't always easy.

You have to define your target market, yes. You have to be willing to change your message of "working with anyone" and you have to be able to describe - in the words your target market uses - and understands - what your expertise is, how you can help your prospect's business (or if you work with consumers - how you can help them achieve their personal or financial goals) and what difference you will make.

Your value proposition has NOTHING to do with differentiating yourself from your competition by the way.

A value proposition should be financially oriented. It has to focus on whatever the most critical issues your prospect is facing and it has to be specific. (This is where you want to include statistics, percentages and other numbers. For example, give results other clients received from working with you.)

Need help? Behind the Lines Copywriting can help you create a strong value proposition to use in all your marketing messages.

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